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UBC Fitness Kickboxing

Train directly with World Kickboxing Champion Jim Graden and his instructors with UBC kickboxing at Jim Graden's World Champion Martial Arts and Live On ZOOM. UBC Kickboxing combines two class structures.

* Kickboxing, a 45-minute class that starts with a warm up followed by 30-minutes and six rounds of non-stop kickboxing on a heavy bag. This is a self-paced class that allows you to take a break at anytime, with a structured break at the halfway point.

* Fighter Fit, 10-rounds of 3-minutes of exercise and 1-minute of rest. This is a great class if you like a lot of variety in your workout. The fighter Fit rounds are boxing, floor exercises, kickboxing, strength tubing exercises, Kicking only, Tabada exercises and much more. "Fighter Fit is like a box of chocolates, you just don't know what your going to get."

UBC Kickboxing On ZOOM - Train in comfort of your home as you burn calories, get fit and have fun training right along with the live kickboxing class. Classes are Monday thru Thursday at 6:00pm and Saturday at 9:00am. plus have access to recorded classes. Go to site for membership options.

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